Teacher Trainings

All trainings are VIRTUAL. 

*In-Person trainings may be honored by request and for a travel fee. 

Bringing Sign Language to your Hearing Classroom (90 min)

This interactive course will introduce caregivers (teacher and parents) to the “How” and “Why” of sign language. You will learn who sign language is beneficial for young children in the short and long term, techniques to teach children sign language, and the best first signs to start with. You will get resources to continue your communication journey. 

Potty Training Effectively (1 hr)

This hour-long course is perfect for teachers and parents! Using a behavior driven approach, this course gets everyone on the same page to make potty training easy and quick! 

Teaching Self-Help to Young Children (2 hr)

This two-hour training is the 1-hour Potty Training Effectively course coupled with an additional hour about the importance of teaching self help skills to children 0-5 and techniques and tools that will help facilitate independence. 

Basics of Behavior: Part 1, Understanding How Behavior Works (2 hr)

A detailed, 2 hour, training about behavior. We will discuss the ABC's of behavior, the functions of behavior, reinforcers, extinction bursts, and more! This is a GREAT training for preventative and reactive behavior.

Basics of Behavior: Part 2, Using Data to Facilitate Change (2 hr)

Building on Part 1, part 2 looks at behavior data and intervention process, types of data collection and how to use it. This is a REAL LIFE course that I ask you to bring ACTUAL ABC data so you can analyze it and walk away with new material AND answers to a challenging behavior that you see in your own program. 

Teaching & Supporting Regulation with Toddlers & Preschoolers

This practical and evidence based approach to teaching self-regulation to children 1 and up will leave teachers with tools they need to support the big emotions the young children have. It will include preventative and reactive strategies and environmental support and resources to help you implement strategies easily in a classroom or home setting. 

All trainings are available for presentation at conferences.